Jesus is the center:

It's all about Jesus.


Our God is a God of all generations.

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We honour those who have gone before us and inspire the generations to come.

We honour one another to glorify God:

It's about valuing people.

Believe big and start small:

We use what's in our hands to fulfill what's in our hearts.

Gather and scatter:

The Church exists on Sundays, and also Monday to Sunday.

We do more by doing less:

It's about quality, not quantity.

We are generous:

The world of the generous gets larger and larger.

We create spaces of grace:

We create places and spaces where people can be rehabilitated.

We are passionate people:

We are passionate people who live to express worship to God.

We are kingdom minded:

We are a blessing and resource to the wider church body.

We won’t take this for granted:

We will always be grateful.

We want to be known for what we are for